Laurel Oswald Clark
This year Laurel Oswald Clark joined us in Wellfleet, where people can't help but remark on her work. How can something be so completely different, yet fit in so perfectly?
Recently Laurel returned to her love of charcoal, exploring values, and concentrating on shape and manipulation of materials. Her process includes many different kinds of charcoal, casein spray, and flat interior latex paint on birch cradled panels. sealed with polyurethane.
"I am a shore girl," she said. "Having been raised in New Jersey, sand, sun and water have always been major themes in all my work. This particular series works off of shapes and images collected from the rotting wooden boardwalks, storm fencing, and bridges found in the backwaters and wetlands."
Laurel has been a teacher of art for more than 30 years creating numerous art programs for children and teens and workshops for adults. She is a successful, award winning painter with a life long passion for learning. Laurel is a Signature Member of Pastel Society of America, New Jersey Pastel Society and National Association of Women Artists.