Liz Hoag
Liz Hoag, a Maine artist, has found beauty in the most simple of pleasures; looking at the amazing play of light and sky as it winds around, in and through the branches of the incredible trees that fill our neighborhoods, town, and northeast states. This Portland-based artist finds the quiet and classic New England, and paints it in a way we can enjoy. We have all spent time looking up and watching the light play in the web of branches overhead.
In her work, the light is critical to the feeling. After taking photographs on walks around her neighborhood or local trails, she comes back to her studio.
Paths, trees, branches, color, light, air, open space, water; we have it all here in New England. Whether it's looking up at trees in our suburban neighborhoods, driving down country highways, or walking trails to the lakes, streams, and sea; we have a visual peace and quiet within reach. We can find calm and beauty right along the road almost anywhere.
Liz Hoag, who paints in acrylic, features local beauty. Streams, brooks, and the enchanting woods have all inspired this Portland artist. Each piece of Hoag's work features nature and light interacting in a way that provides a new and different perspective on the everyday surroundings of the natural world. Mother Nature often inspires her creations in a way only a few stop to notice.